Consistency is its own reward.

The most rewarding things you do in life require discipline – the art of consistently showing up.

Want to make a difference at work?  Show up for everything, especially lunch and happy hour.

What about your side project?  Do it with enthusiasm and frequency.

The results will astound you, but don’t forget that your impact came from small, compounding efforts over time which started with a decision to target your energy toward one thing at a time.

Consistency is also the art of saying no to shiny things.

You can’t be agreeable to everything and consistent with one thing.  If you spread your resources too thin, you’ll eventually break the streak – a spinning plate will drop eventually.  But it’s not about having only one plate, it’s about picking the plates that matter and saying no to all others.

Curate your focus to support the season of life you’re in so you can remain steadfast in your pursuit.  They’ll call you reliable, disciplined, and responsible, but you’re really just making a habit out of showing up.